Restoration of St Anthony for the St Anthony’s Church in Alexander Hills.

Restoration now completed. I was contacted by St Anthonys church in Alexander Hills to restore their much loved sculpture of St Anthony. There was fingers missing of Jesus, pealing faces and their clothing especially on Jesus was all chipping away. Several holes on the base and back as well as arms, head, feet, book, clothing etc. It has taken just over three months for the restoration to bring it back to its original condition.

Restoration of Clients Testimonial:

Thank you Georgette, you said you will be giving us the WOW factor and you certainly achieved that.

We are thrilled with the results.

Trish Persel

 St Anthony’s  Catholic Church

 St Anthony Drive

Alexander Hills. Q 4161                             

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Georgette Schwantes

Georgette Schwantes

An accredited TAFE teacher with a lifetime of experience. Georgette now teaches others to create amazing sculptures in a peaceful and positive social environment.

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