Commission of my latest restoration of 100 year old pot

Commission of a restoration of a 100 year old limited edition flower pot. Sculpted in Austria.  (before and after photos) Mrs Anne Dunne inherited the pot from her Grandmother and then her Aunt’s, When she passed away in New Zealand, the flower pot was sent to her but when she opened up the package, not only was it damaged in several places but the missing pieces were not included in the package.  Mr Glenn Dunne commissioned me to restore it for them. When they picked it up, Mrs Anne Dunne said it was better than how she remembered it and far better than she had hoped for.  They couldn’t be happier.

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Georgette Schwantes

Georgette Schwantes

An accredited TAFE teacher with a lifetime of experience. Georgette now teaches others to create amazing sculptures in a peaceful and positive social environment.

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