How lovely of these two sister deciding to have a togetherness time by joining into an art sculpture class together, and what a laugh they are, so lovely to have them join into our group.

How lovely of these two sister deciding to have a togetherness time by joining into an art sculpture class together, and what a laugh they are, so lovely to have them join into our group.
An accredited TAFE teacher with a lifetime of experience. Georgette now teaches others to create amazing sculptures in a peaceful and positive social environment.
Meerkats sculptures, so cute to see two of them, one male and female standing on this rock with the male, having his hand supporting the female,
Kaye’s Buddha is now in its resting place in her garden. sadly due to unforeseen circumstances it wont be on display at the Exhibition on
Lisa is working on her beautiful whale, such beautiful creatures. Looking good Lisa. Georgette
Tracy has not picked an easy subject but it’s slowly getting there, a lot of lessons learned. It’s all part of the fun of playing
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