Theresa accidentally broke her much loved sculpture of a horse. As the head and neck were heavy a stainless steel pin had to be inserted to support it. Now Theresa can display it once again in her home.
Theresa accidentally broke her much loved sculpture of a horse. As the head and neck were heavy a stainless steel pin had to be inserted to support it. Now Theresa can display it once again in her home.
An accredited TAFE teacher with a lifetime of experience. Georgette now teaches others to create amazing sculptures in a peaceful and positive social environment.
Before and after pictures of repaired stone sculpture Damaged while in transit. While travelling over seas the owners of these sculpture wanted a souvenir
I inherited a beautiful porcelain draft horse from my parents. Unfortunately it had two breaks in its front raised leg. I contacted Georgette of Georgettes
Restoration of a sculpture I created many years ago in my Art Gallery. The purchaser moved to Perth, it survived the journey only for her
Mrs Alana Bolger’s much loved tea pot accidentally broke and it has now been restored so it will again be able to be used.
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