Sarah is so in-love with her sculpture that she couldn’t resist giving him a kiss.

Sarah is so in-love with her sculpture that she couldn’t resist giving him a kiss.
An accredited TAFE teacher with a lifetime of experience. Georgette now teaches others to create amazing sculptures in a peaceful and positive social environment.
New Beginner mixing well at the clay sculpturing classes in Birkdale Brisbane. Its a great advantage to be sculpting with advanced sculptors as they can
Sword fish is ManSits next sculpture and its being crafted in clay during the art class. ManSit has decided to twist it to one side
Sculpture of two little girls sitting on a log and recalling past memories. Sally is creating this at the clay sculpturing classes in Birkdale 4159.
Therapy couldn’t get any better than sharing opinions at the art sculpturing class during the coffee break. Its alway taken at the half way mark
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