Paulina completed her first Home sculpture all on her own at home, what a fantastic achievement. Paulina brought it into class yesterday for it to be fired.
Paulina completed her first Home sculpture all on her own at home, what a fantastic achievement. Paulina brought it into class yesterday for it to be fired.
An accredited TAFE teacher with a lifetime of experience. Georgette now teaches others to create amazing sculptures in a peaceful and positive social environment.
Detailing her sculpture at the art studio at 32 Claremont Street Birkdale www.georgettesart.com 0403 128 380 Join us on a journey from Beginner to advanced
Paulinas creation is coming along very nicely, I just love the look she has managed to capture of a very strong regal woman standing proud,
The detail is so important as it gives is a professional finish, I personally find this stage very relaxing as one is now happy with
This morning art class of sculpturing was a lot of laughs. Melanie ( on the left ) is starting a new sculpture and it’s going
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