Michelle is excited at how her sculpture is progressing and is already planing her next one. Hehe lets do one at a time Michelle, off-course a home project is always an advantage and can help in achieving results fully by yourself.

Michelle is excited at how her sculpture is progressing and is already planing her next one. Hehe lets do one at a time Michelle, off-course a home project is always an advantage and can help in achieving results fully by yourself.
An accredited TAFE teacher with a lifetime of experience. Georgette now teaches others to create amazing sculptures in a peaceful and positive social environment.
Clay Owl being created at the sculpturing classes @ 32 Claremont Street Birkdale www.georgettesart.com 0403 128 380 WOW! What a beautiful Job Jeanette is doing
Art in all forms is so beneficial for mental well-being. Art in a group setting helps people to develop practical skills, self-awareness and self-esteem.
Well done Amanda for completing your first ever sculpture, I have just notice and must comment on that I cant help but feel that it’s
Taking-shape is Carolines first ever clay sculpture. I’m so glad to hear she is enjoying the creation of it. It has changed quite a bit
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