Maurine has now fully completed her stoneware sculpture of her daughter, the likeness is remarkable, a great effort Maurine, well done. Maurine is now on her new sculpture, I think Maurine is hooked on the benefits sculpturing provides.

Maurine has now fully completed her stoneware sculpture of her daughter, the likeness is remarkable, a great effort Maurine, well done. Maurine is now on her new sculpture, I think Maurine is hooked on the benefits sculpturing provides.
An accredited TAFE teacher with a lifetime of experience. Georgette now teaches others to create amazing sculptures in a peaceful and positive social environment.
Hazel Grass (in the centre) won 1st prize in my 16th year (Artist Georgette Schwantes left) Annual Exhibition and Competition judged by Mayor Karen Williams
Sculpture was bronzed last Thursday at the clay art sculpturing classes in Birkdale Brisbane. Sonya is delighter at her achievement of her first ever sculpture.
Tracy was so happy with her first grandchild by her daughter’s that she sculpted this clay gift. Her daughters requested Eeyore for the baby. Tracy
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