when we just play as kids do amazing things happen, the right side of the brain takes over and look what amazing art is produced, Amys Pelican is looking great!
when we just play as kids do amazing things happen, the right side of the brain takes over and look what amazing art is produced, Amys Pelican is looking great!
An accredited TAFE teacher with a lifetime of experience. Georgette now teaches others to create amazing sculptures in a peaceful and positive social environment.
Dressing the sculpture with clay at the art sculpturing classes in Birkdale Brisbane. Michaela is find her new found hobby a great stress relief. This
Jacqueline during the art class has just completed her first sculpture of a head, with a lovely facial expression and had no trouble in creating
Hobby that Sharon has been longing to start. She is thrilled in learning skills at the clay sculpturing classes in Birkdale Brisbane. Sharon said she
Abstract is what Mark has now decided to try at the art sculpturing classes. This sculpture was inspired by a sculpture in the Gallery. Mark
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