A poem from a 92 year old Student

Its Thursday girls lets fly away into another world and of owls and Angels half made heads, of laughter and chat & light a groan or two, please help Georgette this isn’t going right. The help we need is right at hand. How this is – how its done. The explanation a help yet doing it may not be fun. Surrounded by colour & beauty, our spirits are lifted up we’re creating something from nothing except of course, from the clay… Author: Shirley Morsillo

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Georgette Schwantes

Georgette Schwantes

An accredited TAFE teacher with a lifetime of experience. Georgette now teaches others to create amazing sculptures in a peaceful and positive social environment.

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Free Entry. All welcome

Hoping to finish their sculptures for the Exhibition on the 29/10/16 Time: 2-4pm refreshments will be served.