The Queensland Catholic Education Commission wanted to create a symbol of their togetherness for their Spiritual Catholic Church at Orminston. 40 members, each moulded a lump of clay and then all the 40 pieces were put together and brought to Georgette Schwantes from Georgettesart in Birkdale who was commissioned to create a bowl with the same clay to commemorate our togetherness, having all our energies with-in the clay and brought together as one, just as we are all from the earth and although separated we are jointly all together. Georgette created a bowl to signify this and with the front of the bowl poring our love onto others.
Hi Georgette,
The bowl sat on my desk all Friday and then on Monday I presented it to the staff. Everyone I have spoken to loves the result and wished to pass on their thanks to you.
I would also like to say thank you for your energies in creating such a special reminder of the day. I have also forwarded a picture to our facilitator and she is equally excited about the end result.
Kind regards
Vera Zappala | Executive Officer Education
Queensland Catholic Education Commission
143 Edward Street, Brisbane | GPO Box 2441, Brisbane Q 4001
T: (07) 3316 5852 | F: (07) 3316 5880 | E: