Dale has now completed her second sculpture of a flower pot which she will exhibit in her garden, her next one is going to be an even bigger creation, looking forward to helping her achieve it.

Dale has now completed her second sculpture of a flower pot which she will exhibit in her garden, her next one is going to be an even bigger creation, looking forward to helping her achieve it.
An accredited TAFE teacher with a lifetime of experience. Georgette now teaches others to create amazing sculptures in a peaceful and positive social environment.
Well done Amanda for completing your first ever sculpture, I have just notice and must comment on that I cant help but feel that it’s
Vanessa is just starting to sculpt and is thoroughly loving the feel of the clay, for her first sculpture of her basic training of a
My recently sculpted one of a kind relief sculpture titled ” Connecting ” has found a new home, I hope they enjoy it as much
Mansit’s clay art head bears a close resemblance of herself. Its often the case as this is what we see in our minds eye. Her
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